The parrish of Clarendon in Jamaica will see Veteran Artists Everton Blender and Glen Washington headilne this year's inaugural Clarendon Music Awards, today, at the Quarry. This year music award will also give the Lifetime Achievemnt Award to reggae artist Derrick Morgan.This event is aspected to be packed with stars such as Peter Austin and the Clarendonians, Bunny General, Cashewman,Merciless,Carlene Davis, Tommy Cowan, Stephen McGregor, Silver Cat,Keith Campbell and Assailant. Clarendon has produced several music talents such as the world famous Clarendonians, Millie Small, Barrington Levi,Toots Hibbert,Freddie McGregor,Coco Tea,Liz Mitchell,Denroy Morgan and I-Octane just to name a few names you' ll may familiar with. Some of these artist will receive special awards for their outstanding career achievements and for their cultural and social contribuition to their parish.

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